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Opinions are a dime a dozen

by Rebecca

Are you familiar with Goodreads? If you’re on Facebook, and you read (maybe a lot), it’s possible you know of Goodreads, or even use it yourself.For those not in the know, Goodreads is a site where you can list books you’ve read, and you are given the option of assigning a star rating to them […]

It’s not easy being mean

by Rebecca

Today I decided I am officially a bitch.Backstory: I went to Staples this afternoon, to get an inkjet cartridge (colour black) for a new printer which was boxed without one. It came with a colour cartridge, but not black, which, when you think about it, is just plain stupid, but of course, is also probably brilliant […]

To review or not to review…

by Rebecca

The other day, I read a comment made by an author in regard to marketing and promoting of one’s work. The author (who may be fairly successful and fairly popular, though I really don’t know as I’ve never checked, and frankly, wouldn’t know how to even if I were interested) provided suggestions for promoting a […]

Difficult choices

by Rebecca

This is what happened:I had boarded the plane from Winnipeg to Minneapolis. My seat was near the front of the plane, and when I reached it, my seatmate was already seated. He looked to be in his 40’s, roughly good-looking, and he gave me a perfunctory smile as I motioned that mine was the window […]

Ask me questions

by Rebecca

Today (and since it’s 11:31 pm as I write this, it is still today) I gave the first interview of my life. There may have been a time when I considered myself a nobody. That time is past. I am certainly somebody. And I am certainly someone to be considered. But I’m getting ahead of […]

Life is life.

by Rebecca

I stumbled across a couple of fine books over the last 72 hours. By a writer I’d never heard of. And really, isn’t that how it should be? The author is Susan Wilson. The books, One Good Dog, which I read first. The second, The Dog Who Danced. No surprise there are dogs involved. I […]

Treasure a toddler’s smile

by Rebecca

I have spent a lot of my life believing I was worthless. But a lot of what has happened over the course of the years has caused me to feel that that is not so. I love children. Not all children, because some of them, like some adults, are not very nice. But if you’ve […]

Weaving a not so tangled web(site)

by Rebecca

Have you ever designed a website before?  It turns out that it can be very time consuming. Both in its development and launching stages, of course, but also in the idea stages. Where you have an idea, a vision, of what you want, how you want your site to look, but you can’t get there […]

Puppies vs Stupid people

by Rebecca

Today, I learned a lot about some people. Mainly, that some people will make untold excuses for treatment of puppies and dogs, try to pass it off as similar to what some humans go through, but which, if you are really being honest, we all know that the one bears no resemblance to the other.Case […]

Early morning wake up calls

by Rebecca

We’re back to the routine of 6:30 am phone calls before she goes off to work, late morning calls when I ask her how her morning is going, an afternoon call when I ask how her afternoon is, the six pm call when she gets home and is settled in, and the last call of […]