Posts from 2011

4142 of 42 items

This is not my addiction.

by Rebecca

Addictions can be scary things. Misunderstood. Misinterpreted. But what most people don’t understand about addictions is that addictions are an every day thing. Life is an addiction. If it weren’t, we wouldn’t hunger for it. Understand when it’s slipping away, and want it, desire it. Fight for it. Perhaps kill for it. I quit smoking […]

H is for Hoar frost…and Hope.

by Rebecca

I went for a walk this morning. It’s been awhile since I’ve woken with any kind of exuberance; winters here have a way of leaching away vitality, the cold, coupled with the wind, can be deadly. You have to dress for it, which means layers, which takes time, and sometimes a person is just not […]